About MuVenCap® Financial:

MuVenCap Financial was founded in 2019 by a prominent domestic and international Family Office seeking to broaden a vast investment portfolio while still safely maximizing annual returns.  MuVenCap adopted the fundamentals of a mutual fund (“Mu”) and venture capital (“VenCap”) styled investments and combined them into a proprietary proven long-term strategy.

By alleviating the arduous task and need to review, underwrite and vet various seed, start-up, and emerging growth companies, MuVenCap Financial focuses its attention on the overall portfolios, fundamentals, innovation, and performances of numerous entities, venture capital firms, and funds for which to mutually and collectively invest.

MuVenCap Financial’s “hands-on | hands-off” approach has not only maximized and diversified its investment portfolio, but it has also allowed MuVenCap Financial to carve out, from a variety of vested funds, a niche bridge and/or mezzanine function for companies in need of immediate or short term infusions of capital as they approach their next level or a round of funding.

MuVenCap Financial and its associated family of funds have become global leaders in an exclusive enclave of private equity entities which have grown to exceed their inceptive goals.

“Making money does not mean you are “gifted”;

…it is the extraordinary things you do with your money that does.”

– Founder & Trustee